The garland is hearts from a deck of cards. I printed the letters on shipping labels and cut them out. Notice I used the word love instead of Happy Valentine's....a lot less cutting!
Red and white gumdrops....I couldn't find valentine ones so I picked just the red and whites one out of a large bag of spice drops. The lengths we go to for holiday decor.
Kitschy vintage fake. I printed off vintage valentine graphics on cardstock and cut them out. They look pretty good don't they? My mother has a framed collection of valentines from the early 1900's. My grandmother taught school before she was married and they are from her students. Thrift Chick and I salivate over them every time we visit.
My favorite silver trumpet vase. I found it at an antique store marked $14. The store owner thought that was too high and gave it to me for $4. She thought it was too tarnished and worn to charge full price. One person's trash, anther's treasure.

Cute idea to use the playing cards. Your little tray of Valentines is sweet. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!
I'm loving that trumpet vase! $4.00??? are you kidding me!!! Why don't these things ever happen to me?!
Great ideas, fast and easy, too. Thanks so much for sharing them with us at WIW.
See you next week!
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